How Many Calories Do You Burn On A Treadmill(Weigh Loss)2024

How Many Calories Do You Burn On A Treadmill

Treadmills have long been a mainstay in households and fitness centers because they offer a practical and efficient way to do cardiovascular exercise. When utilizing a treadmill, one frequent query is “How many calories am I burning?”

Knowing how many calories you burn when exercising on the treadmill can help you reach your weight-loss and general fitness objectives. You can reduce your weight and burn calories using this equipment. Compared to other low-impact exercise routines, a treadmill workout can help you burn body fat more quickly. By utilizing the machine for a longer amount of time, you can burn more calories.

How Many Calories Do You Burn On A Treadmill

In this detailed article, we’ll examine all the factors that affect calorie burn on a treadmill and offer estimates so you can have a better idea of what to anticipate.

How Many Calories Does An Average Person Burn Per Hour On A Treadmill?

A treadmill desk typically allows users to burn between 150 and 200 calories per hour. Your individual calorie burn will vary depending on things like your weight and how hard you work out on the treadmill. You would burn less calories, for instance, if you used the machine for a shorter period of time. We advise utilising the equipment daily for at least an hour if you want to lose weight quickly.

Factors Affecting Calorie Burn on a Treadmill

The number of calories expended while exercising on a treadmill depends on a variety of things. You may evaluate the intensity and efficacy of your workout sessions by being aware of these elements. Let’s examine them in more depth:

  • Body Weight

The amount of weight you have affects how many calories you burn. Your body uses more energy to execute physical tasks when you gain weight, which leads to a larger calorie expenditure. For instance, while exercising on the treadmill, a person who weighs 180 pounds will burn more calories than a person who weighs 130 pounds.

  • Intensity and Speed

Calorie burn depends greatly on how hard and quickly you run or walk on the treadmill. More energy must be used to maintain higher intensities and faster speeds, which increases calorie burn. The basic idea behind treadmill workouts is that you can burn more calories by exerting greater effort.

  • Incline

Burning calories while running or walking uphill is much different. Exercises on an inclined treadmill use more muscles and place more strain on the body, which increases energy use. By raising the treadmill deck, you may imitate uphill jogging, which increases the intensity of the workout and increases calorie expenditure in comparison to running on a flat surface.

  • Duration

Calorie burn also depends on how long you work out on the treadmill for. Your body continues to use energy as you workout longer, burning more calories as a result. The overall number of calories you burn during your workout can be maximised by being consistent and keeping a steady pace.

Estimating Calorie Burn on a Treadmill

Let’s give some ballpark figures based on a 30-minute treadmill session, keeping in mind that individual results may differ. These estimates are meant to give you a broad idea of how many calories you burn by assuming a moderate level of effort:

  • Walking

For a person of average weight, walking on a treadmill at a moderate pace (about 3–4 mph) can burn about 120–180 calories. The number of calories burned can be closer to the higher end of the range if you walk more quickly.

  • Jogging

For a person of average weight, jogging on a treadmill at a moderate pace (about 5-6 mph) can burn 240–300 calories. Calorie burn can be increased by accelerating the pace or including higher-intensity intervals.

  • Running

For a person of average weight, running on a treadmill at a quicker speed (about 7-8 mph) can burn 400–500 calories. Increased calorie expenditure can be achieved by running at faster rates or by adding an elevation.

Formula For Finding Calories Burned Walking On A Treadmill

There are several mathematical calculations involved in figuring out the precise number of calories expended while walking on a treadmill. The MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) formula, which determines the number of calories burned based on the intensity of the activity, is one extensively used formula. The processes and calculation for calculating the number of calories expended while using a treadmill are as follows:

  • Determine your MET value

MET is a unit that represents the energy expenditure of an activity relative to the resting metabolic rate. The MET value for walking on a treadmill is typically around 3.8. This means that you burn 3.8 times as many calories as you would at rest while walking on a treadmill.

  • Calculate your BMR

Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions at rest. You can use the Harris-Benedict equation or other BMR calculators available online to estimate your BMR based on factors such as age, gender, weight, and height.

  • Determine your total calories burned

Multiply your BMR by the MET value for walking on a treadmill. For example, if your BMR is 1500 calories and the MET value for walking on a treadmill is 3.8, the calculation would be: 1500 calories x 3.8 MET = 570 calories per hour.

  • Adjust for time

If you want to calculate calories burned for a specific duration, divide the total calories burned by 60 (minutes) and then multiply by the number of minutes you walked. For instance, if you walked for 30 minutes, the calculation would be: (570 calories / 60) x 30 minutes = 285 calories burned.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that these calculations only provide approximations because each person’s body weight, walking speed, incline, and degree of fitness might have an impact on calorie burn. Furthermore, calorie counters embedded into treadmill consoles, fitness trackers, or heart rate monitors may offer more precise estimates tailored to your workout. Remember that calorie burning is just one part of a treadmill workout and that it’s equally vital to concentrate on your overall health, your fitness objectives, and your enjoyment of exercise. For individualised advice on achieving your fitness goals, speak with a medical practitioner or a licenced fitness professional.


Body weight, intensity, pace, incline, and duration are some of the variables that affect how many calories you burn while using a treadmill. Although estimates can be produced, it is challenging to give a precise number due to individual differences. The key is to seek professional advice and concentrate on long-term fitness objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • On a treadmill, how many calories are burned in 30 minutes?

Running at 6 MPH for 30 minutes can burn 295 calories for a 125-pound person. Running at 6 MPH for 30 minutes can burn 360 calories for a 155-pound person. Running at 6 MPH for 30 minutes can burn 420 calories for a 185-pound person.

  • Can you lose weight on the treadmill for 30 minutes?

Running on the treadmill for 30 minutes is a great workout. You can easily reach additional objectives, such as losing weight or enhancing your aerobic fitness, depending on the speed. But much like other workout regimens, it’s important to monitor your health and avoid overdoing it.



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